Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Concept Note For StarupFundas.com

Sharing this to invite comments and suggestions ..Site is not live yet so do not bother logging to the site

Unearth the startup inside you

Concept Note

Almost everyone in a job has thought of, imagined or dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur. Yet so very few actually take the plunge. Why?

Besides the obvious and often quoted reasons of fear of failure, society not having favourable disposition towards failures, high need for security and so on so forth, I feel something more basic tacks is missing in the picture which is “LACK OF INFORMATION” about what life as an entrepreneur entails and what it offers. To give a simple example, most guys feel there is a monetary risk in giving up a job but nobody even bothers to quantify the risk and see it is as a percentage of lifetime earnings. The short point here is that due to lack of information, the risks tend to get magnified and the opportunities and benefits look meagre in comparsion

To add to the mess created by lack of information “the entrepreneur” is often over romanticised as a half crazy guy who defied all odds, started with Rs. 5000/- in his pocket and ended up being a billionaire. While such stories do end up inspiring a few, they make most people end up thinking entrepreneurship is not their cup of tea and possibly. The truth is most entrepreneurs start with a lot more, take far fewer risks than imagined and possibly also end up making far lesser money than the ones in the stories. Again the short point is that entrepreneurship has a lot more to offer than a hefty networth. It is a life choice with many aspects of freedom, personal growth and satisfaction.

StartupFundas.com plans to make acting on your desire to know about entrepreneurship as a life choice or act on your desire to become an entrepreneur simple and hands on.

It plans to do this by offering direct interaction with “E-Catalysts” (people who have gone down this road) on email, phone and web chat. We acknowledge that each person’s situation is unique and hence the information he seeks would be different.

We understand and appreciate that a lot is common like business planning, company formations, agreements, finance, money so we will build on a resource base which the entrepreneurs can access but our key differentiator would be that the starting point would be an interaction with a “E-Catalyst” who will guide the budding entrepreneur to appropriate resources. The “E-Catalyst” will keep in touch with him to progress him along the path of figuring out if entrepreneurship will work for him. Once he has crossed that hurdle the “E-Catalyst” will help him get closer to taking the plunge and starting up.

For people who have decided to start up, StarupFundas.com can look at providing mentor capital and seed money as well.

So what are you waiting for…

Login to StartupFundas.com…
You have nothing to lose but your job which you probably want to leave anyway